Published 04 October 2023

Relay for Life Bunbury is a volunteer-driven 24-hour team-based community event that has successfully raised funds for Western Australians touched by cancer for more than 20 years.
This event brings the community together to celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost to cancer, and to empower us all to fight back against cancer.
The event is one of 200 held Australia-wide, raising funds for the Cancer Council of Western Australia.
Families, community groups, sporting groups, schools, and businesses register teams of 10-17 people.
These teams fundraise during the year and then come together at Payne Park on the first weekend of November to celebrate.
Teams are allocated a tent site, and after the official opening ceremony team members walk around the oval for 24 hours. Those who experience cancer have it 24 hours a day, hence the significance of the 24-hour event.
Participants and visitors to Relay for Life experience a carnival-style atmosphere, complete with live local entertainment, fancy dress, food trucks, kid's activities, a Red Carpet Best dressed event, tug of war, and a car box rally.
There will be a Cancer Survivors Morning Tea to celebrate and a Candlelight Ceremony to remember those we have lost.
This will be the 21st year of Relay for Life Bunbury aiming to raise $200,000. These are funds that help the Cancer Council of WA continue life-saving cancer research and state-wide prevention programs and support the thousands of WA families affected by cancer each year.
To celebrate 21 years there will be birthday party themed activities, including a photo booth and party games for participants to enjoy.