Published 13 October 2023

More than 1000 community members completed this year’s community scorecard with the results showing youth services and facilities alongside embracing change, innovation and technology are among the City of Bunbury’s most improved areas.
The 2023 MARKYT Community Scorecard – conducted every two years to help determine community priorities and benchmark performance – was completed by 1026 community members, up from 943 in 2021.
Library services, the South West Sports Centre and sport and recreation facilities and services in general are the top performers for the City, according to the results.
While the focus areas of Vision, Liveability, Governance and Rates Value all scored above the industry average, along with a 97 per cent positive rating for Bunbury as a ‘place to live’.
Of course, the City is interested in identifying our community’s priorities as part of the fully independent survey with the ultimate goal of helping to inform our Strategic Community and Corporate Business plans.
Development and activation of our city centre, festivals, events, art and cultural activities and tourism and destination marketing are among the priorities. Along with access to health and community services, seniors’ services, facilities and care, and streetscapes, trees and verges.
Community safety and crime prevention also featured as a priority again, and the City is confident the soon-to-be-launched Community Safety & Crime Prevention Plan will provide tangible actions and initiatives to help address this focus area.
The City remains committed to working for our community and continuing to focus on our community’s priorities. We will now explore the results of the scorecard and look at what further work the City can do as part of its community’s priorities.
Watch this space as we roll out further updates and thank you once again to our community members who completed this year’s survey. Your input and feedback are invaluable to what we do.