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Bushfire season – are you prepared?

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Published 03 December 2024

Firefighter putting out a bushfire

As we enter the warmer months of the year it is important to ensure your property is prepared for the risk of bushfire.

As Bunbury residents we are fortunate to live in proximity to a haven of natural bushland.

However, embers from a bushfire can travel many kilometres and anyone can lose their home to an ember attack.

Residents have a legal requirement to undertake fire prevention works on their property by 18 November and to be maintained until 5 May.

From now to 25 March burning is not permitted anywhere in the City of Bunbury.

Here are a few tips to protect your property and reduce the risk of a fire:
🔥 Ensure roofs and gutters are cleared of flammable materials
🔥 Remove accumulated leaves, twigs, dead bushes and trees capable of fuelling a fire
🔥 Prune shrubs so they are not overhanging
🔥 Store petrol and gas safely
🔥 Cut grass around your property to 5cm or less

For the safety of you and your family, ensure you have a bushfire plan in place should a bushfire occur.

To find out more about fire prevention please visit the link below.