Published 27 October 2023

A new City of Bunbury plan provides objectives and actions to help tackle one of our community’s
highest priorities – community safety and crime prevention.
Bunbury City Council has endorsed the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan following
extensive independent research, which involved community input throughout the entire journey.
Both the 2021 and 2023 MARKYT community scorecards identified community safety and crime
prevention as one of the highest priorities for improvement for our residents and ratepayers, so the
City is proud to be able to put this plan in place.
The plan includes eight objectives that sit under three themes of safe spaces, activated spaces and an
informed and engaged community.
Implementing crime prevention strategies at key locations, enhancing opportunities for community-led placemaking and activation of local spaces and sharing information about crime and crime
prevention initiatives with the community – just to name a few – are among the objectives.
An action plan then sets out the steps to achieving the objectives along with timeframes.
The plan builds on the City’s aspirations for a safe, healthy and connected community along with an
integrated, vibrant and well-planned city as outlined in the Strategic Community and Corporate
Business plans.
While response to actual crime is primarily managed by police, the City can actively contribute to
community safety and crime prevention through funding, advocating, partnering, facilitating,
providing services and facilities and regulating.
This important plan is the result of extensive community and stakeholder consultation including a
rigorous and independent research study led by Edith Cowan University to help understand the nature
of crime and community concerns.
The objectives and actions were developed based on the findings of the community consultation,
analysis of police data and consideration of relevant literature.
The plan and related actions will be monitored and reported on including regular updates to our
community and annual reporting on actions to Council.
View the plan below.