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Accessible events trailer for hire

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Published 02 April 2024

Enable WA and City of Bunbury have joined forces to further enhance a community resource aimed at increasing accessibility at local events.

The local disability support provider manages an accessible events trailer and accepted a donation from the City of two signs that promote the popular communication boards.

A resource that can be used free of charge for events across Bunbury, the trailer was previously also donated to Enable WA by the City and is jam-packed with accessible items to enhance events.

The boards use alternative and augmented communication symbols and for the first time in local government history were available to download at the City’s recent Christmas in the City and SkyFest events.

The a-frame signs, along with printed copies of generic event communication boards, are an added boost for the trailer and will help promote the boards, while also providing the community with information on how to access them.

The trailer holds an array of accessible resources including kerb ramps, grass matting, light weight wheelchairs, wheelchair signage and a gazebo.

Community members can book the accessible events trailer online here.

And the City’s communication boards can be accessed here.