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Greater Bunbury Heritage Organisations Network

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Established in 2022 and lead by the Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre, the Greater Bunbury Heritage Organisational Network (GBHON) exists as a collaborating space for organisations in the Greater Bunbury area whose main aim is in the collection, preservation and sharing of history and heritage. 

To do this, members of the Network:

  • Meet at least once per quarter;
  • share information and support each other;
  • provide opportunities for collaborations, shared training, events and promotions, and;
  • share information about collections, policies and access.


Organisations in the Greater Bunbury area whose main aim is in the collection, preservation and/or sharing of family or local history and heritage are welcome. The Network is not open to individual historians who are not connected to a formal group. Historical writers are encouraged to attend the South West Historical Writers Group meetups who will send a representative to the GBHON.

Current member organisations of the Greater Bunbury Heritage Organisational Network are:

Australind Family History Centre
Bunbury Cemetery Board
Bunbury Oral History Group
Bunbury Historical Society
Bunbury Geographe Motor Museum
Capel District Cemeteries Project
Dardanup Heritage Collective
Harvey History Online
Ron Maidment Archives – Shire of Capel
South West Historical Writers
South-West Rail and Heritage Centre
Southern Ports
Shire of Dardanup Library Service
Streets of Bunbury (a Museum of Perth Project)

For more information about the Greater Bunbury Heritage Organisational Network, contact our Local Studies Engagement Officer on 08 9792 7075 or