Bunbury City Council has established and managed formal international relationships on behalf of the Bunbury community to foster global interconnectedness, friendship, cross-cultural understanding and mutual wellbeing. International relationships create opportunities for partnerships and exchanges in the fields of (but not limited to) education, culture, trade, tourism and sport. Bunbury has one Sister City relationship with Setagaya, Japan and two Friendship City relationships. One with Jiaxing, China and another with Nha Trang, Vietnam.

The City of Setagaya is located within the Tokyo metropolitan region and is one of the 23 large urban wards that make up Tokyo. With a population of 837,000, Setagaya is predominantly a residential area steeped in cultural tradition with large areas set aside for parklands and public recreation.
Indeed, Setagaya is said to have the best natural environment in Tokyo with 23% of city land devoted to this purpose. The city Is also recognised as one of Japan’s leading business and cultural centres, with wholesaling, retailing and restaurants making up half of the businesses in an area rich with cultural and sporting facilities such as the Setagaya Art Museum and Komazawa Olympic Park.
To learn more about Setagaya, please refer to the official website: Setagaya City Outlineを発行しています | 世田谷区ホームページ and the Sister City Celebration book below.
Both cities organise reciprocal student exchanges every year. To learn more about the Setagaya Goodwill Tour click the link below.
Jiaxing is a prefecture-level city located in the north-east of the northern Chinese province of Zhejiang. The city lies on the Grand Canal of China, the longest canal in the world, and sits in the delta of the Yangtze River, the third longest river in the world. Shanghai is less than 100km away. With a population of 3.4 million people, Jiaxing is a major industry centre. It is a famous producer of textiles and woollens, one of the world’s largest leather exporters and a major energy base.
The Bunbury Port Authority also signed an agreement with the Zhapu Port to enter a Sister Port Relationship based on economic development and trade between the two cities and ports.
To learn more about Jiaxing, please refer to the official website: 中共嘉兴市委嘉兴市人民政府门户网站 (jiaxing.gov.cn)

Nha Trang
Late in 2015 Bunbury City Council signed an agreement with Nha Trang in Vietnam. This friendship is founded based on education, culture, trade, tourism and sport exchange, and holds the potential for exciting new collaborations and a multitude of benefits for Bunbury.
Nha Trang is a coastal city with a beautiful sweeping bay fringed by low mountains on the South-Central Coast of Vietnam. The capital of Khanh Hoa Province, Nha Trang has become the centre of tourism in the region, thanks to its stunning coastline, collection of islands located close to shore, and its coral reefs.
To learn more about Nha Trang, please refer to the official website: Trang thông tin điện tử thành phố Nha Trang (khanhhoa.gov.vn)