A liquor licence from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) is required to be obtained for the sale of liquor from a premises.
To apply for a Liquor Licence the applicant may need to obtain a Section 39 Certificate from the relevant Local Government to submit with their application. This certificate confirms that the premises, or proposed premises, complies with all the relevant requirements under the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911, Food Act 2008, any written law relating to the sewerage or drainage of that premises under the Local Government Act 1995 and Building Act 2011.
Local governments are able to condition Section 39 certificates if a premises has outstanding work to be completed or withhold the certificate until the premises has been made to comply. Local governments may also impose conditions requiring that music must not be amplified over a specified level.
To apply for a Gaming Licence (e.g., bingo, gambling), you may need to obtain a Section 55 Certificate from the relevant Local Government.