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City of Bunbury

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08 9792 7000

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Planning Projects and Local Areas Planning

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  3. Planning Projects and Local Areas Planning

Local Planning Areas

Local planning areas represent logical geographical units identified as possessing a common identity, generally in terms of sense of place, character or function. The local planning areas are identified and described in detail within the Landscape Character Study 2010.

Contemplating growth and managing change at this finer scale seeks to begin to embrace neighbourhood planning approaches, ultimately leading to more consistent and coordinated planning outcomes, fostering greater community support and improved decision making at the local level.

Take a look in the drop down menu to identify the plans and projects that are in place within your local planning area of interest.

Any documents which are currently being advertised will be available of the Community Connect page.

Central Business District and Three Waters

Outer Business District

Back Beach - Tree Street

East Bunbury

South Bunbury

Parks - Racecourses

The WAPC endorsed the Local Planning Strategy Amendment on 28 October 2020 and approved the Racecourses Local Structure Plan on 29 July 2021. Following WAPC approval of the structure plan, the next task involves securing the financial support necessary to facilitate the installation of essential infrastructure, notably the upgrade and extension of local sewerage. The City will initially approach State Government and endeavour to have the upgrades funded and captured within a scheduled program of works. Once the funding of infrastructure is investigated and satisfactorily resolved, the preparation of amendments to the local planning scheme can proceed with greater confidence.

Minninup - Usher

Withers Local Area Planning

The City in conjunction with the South West Development Commission have progressed the preparation of a Local Area Plan (LAP) for Withers which is intended to function as a decision making tool that builds upon the completed Withers Urban Renewal Strategy (WURS). While the WURS established the vision and developmental objectives for the neighbourhood, the LAP will guide and manage the planning and redevelopment sites, land use, road and pathway networks and infrastructure services. The final draft of the LAP was completed in December 2015 and the final version was adopted by Council in March 2016.
The Withers LAP informed the Central Withers Structure Plan which was approved by the West Australian Planning Commission in January 2021 and provides guidance on land use and development within a portion of Withers.

Glen Iris - Moorlands

Pelican Point

College Grove

