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Hero image for School Holidays | NGA Art Case Tactile Art Tour

School Holidays | NGA Art Case Tactile Art Tour

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  5. School Holidays | NGA Art Case Tactile Art Tour

Published 03 April 2024, updated 14 May 2024

All welcome, come join us for an NGA Art Case Tactile Art Tour where you can touch and feel the artwork!

School Holidays | NGA Art Case Tactile Art Tour

Come join us for a fun and interactive tactile art tour at the Bunbury Regional Art Gallery during the School Holidays! Get hands-on with the NGA Art Case and discover art in a whole new way. This in-person event is perfect for art enthusiasts of all ages. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to experience art like never before!


The Country Art Case brings together First Nation works showcasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, ideas and stories about land and Country. Many of the works in this case are made by using natural material, sometimes sourced via cultural collection. Knowing how material is collected from the environment can give an insight into the relationship Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have with the natural surroundings. This case also looks at the shared histories of First Nation and non-First Nation peoples since colonisation, and the adaptive nature of First Nations peoples when looking after and utilising their land and Country. First Nations ideas and philosophies provide a holistic view of land and Country, connecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through place, spirit, culture, practice and ceremony.

Artists & works

  • Penny Evans (K/Gamilaroi people)
    Burnt banksia 2020
  • Carol McGregor (Wathaurung people)
    Gather bags ll 2018
  • Jimmy John Thaiday (Erub Mer people)
    Kebi nam 2018
  • Aubrey Tigan (Bardi/Djawi peoples)
    Riji 2009
  • James Tylor (Kaurna people)
    Kaurna wirri katha 2020
  • Lena Yarinkura (Rembarrnga/Kune peoples)
    Bush mice 2002