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Bunbury Regional Art Gallery

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64 Wittenoom Street, Bunbury
PO Box 21, Bunbury, WA 6231

08 9792 7323

Open Wed to Sun, 10am – 4pm


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NEW EXHIBITION / Iluka Visions 2024 / 10 August to 27 October

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  2. NEW EXHIBITION / Iluka Visions 2024 / 10 August to 27 October

Iluka Visions is Bunbury Regional Art Gallery’s annual exhibition of student artworks from high schools in the South West region. Since 1991, Iluka Visions has showcased artworks created by students in high schools stretching from Harvey to Manjimup. Many West Australian artists and arts workers fondly remember their first exhibition opportunity in Visions. It is an honour for BRAG to host this extraordinary exhibition that caters to our arts education community, young people, and aspiring artists of all ages.

This year, the exhibition consists of major pieces made by artists in year 11 and year 12 from 13 schools. Each school’s respective arts staff has selected works and exhibited the best of their senior school student artist’s skills and conceptual development. Artworks range from painting to ceramic, to wearable art, sculpture, video, photography, and a combination of mediums. They range in content from engaging with current social and political issues, to personal reflections on the human condition, to fan art and pure image-making.

Lower school student artists were engaged through a new project placing artists in schools to deliver workshops. These workshops were designed and delivered by professional artists Alex Desebrock, Dee Mosca, Paul Reynolds, and Charlotte White. Exhibiting the collaboration of approximately 300 students from years 7 to 10, these projects were an invaluable experience for students to work directly with practising artists. You will see these works exhibited throughout the gallery, in between other works and in the virtual reality headset installation.

The gallery is open Wednesday to Sunday, 10am to 4pm. Entry is always free. See you at BRAG!