The City of Bunbury is committed to making this website accessible for people of all abilities.
Providing accessible information on our website is a priority for the City of Bunbury. Our website has been designed in accordance with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) internationally recognised Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines and intends to conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA standard. In some cases, content will be accessible to Level Triple A.
The City of Bunbury values feedback from people living with a disability in our community. If you have any feedback in how we can develop alternative communication methods to better assist you, or a person that you support, please let us know. If anything on this website is inaccessible to you, or you are experiencing problems accessing content for any reason, please contact us.
You can find out more about the City's commitment to Disability, Access and Inclusion by visiting the Access and Inclusion page of our website.